If you have a small business and haven’t already done so, a great way to get your listing information out to the internet ether is by signing up for an account at Universal Business Listing. At the basic level, UBL makes it easy to fill in your info and syndicate it to a bunch of local search listings. Of course, the more you list, the more traffic you get. So, the aim is to be listed as many places as possible.
Many of these types of listing services have free or cheap options, and you can then choose a product with more bells and whistles if you want more. The nice thing is that you don’t have to do it all yourself. Other listing services to try are www.localeze.com and www.yext.com.
The next step is to optimize these listings with photo and video content for your business – great photos of your business location, people and spaces help convey what your company is about and engage potential customers. Video goes the next level and lets a client virtually meet owners, customer and sales reps so they can get to know you online and connect with you to do business.
We live in a virtual world and a lot of business is now done in the cloud. Having recently read that 40-50% of small businesses don’t even have websites, give yourself an edge by maximizing your online listings with photo and video content and making sure you’re being listed everywhere you can. For an example, check out Miceli Productions’ UBL webcard.
Call us 203.936.7761.
We specialize in capturing images for business for your
biz listings, website and advertising. View our portfolio HERE.