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Harnessing the Power of Social Media


It is hard to resist social media these days. Recent trends show that people check their social media sites up to 6 times a day. How can you harness this social media trend and turn it into a powerful branding tool?

Best practices suggest that when businesses use social media, less than 10% of their posts should be about them.

Users of social media are interested in creative approaches to engagement. Here are some quick ways to do that.bigstock-Social-Media-Sign-28292228

1.)     “Share” your expertise in a “how to” manner. Share with your audience how to do something or how to look at something in a new way.

2.)    Promote your business services in a casual, conversational way only once in eight to ten status updates.

3.)     Post at the most effective times:  6am, 9am, 12 noon, 3pm and 6pm.   Ask questions, post pictures, post quotes, along with tips and strategies for your niche.

4.)    When your audience comments on your post or sends you a message, REPLY back. Social media engagement is really a two way street. If you do not respond, people will no longer respond to you or your business.

5.)    Consider using a social media dashboard. This will allow you to post to multiple social media platforms at once. NOTE: Not all social media platforms are the same, and therefore, require tailoring to your audience. For example, Facebook has the widest net, but is highly social and casual. Twitter has a larger male demographic. Linked In is specifically for professional interaction.

People using social media do not want to see a constant barrage of sales tactics. People will generally turn you off on their newsfeed or “unlike” you all together. Consider your client-base and provide engaging social media interaction. Provide your audience with information they could use, fun factoids, and engaging posts to get conversations going. Then, every now and again, throw in information about a service your provide. The best way to tell people about a service you provide is to post it in a way that makes your audience think, “Oh, I didn’t know such and such company did that too!”

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